Friday, October 2, 2020

Using: Did they forget something?

I was upgrading one of my open-source projects (TableParser) to Scala 2.13 and I realized that I could now use the new "Using" resource management utility.

But, it seems they missed a necessary signature. Let's review:

The basic signature for normal (single-resource use) is this apply method (I've used a context bound to save a bit of space, and I also renamed the first parameter to r):

def apply[R : ReleasableA](r: => R)(f: (R) => A)Try[A

 = Try { Using.resource(r)(f) }

As you can see, it invokes the other single-resource signature resource:

def resource[R : ReleasableA](r: R)(f: (R) => A)A

The difference between these signatures is somewhat subtle: apply returns a Try[A] whereas resource returns A. But, there's another, more subtle yet more significant difference: the r parameter in apply is call-by-name, whereas in resource, it's call-by-value. This implies that, if an exception is thrown while evaluating r for resource, it will indeed be thrown and not wrapped in a Failure. So, the resource signature is not suitable if there's a possibility of an exception being thrown while evaluating the r parameter.

If that's the case, then you must use the apply signature. However, suppose that your type A is of the form Try[X],  then the result type will be Try[Try[X]]. That's a bit ugly.

What is needed is a method such as the following (this signature is to apply, as flatMap is to map):

def safeResource[R: Releasable, A](resource: => R)(f: R => Try[A]): Try[A] = Using(resource)(f).flatten

An alternative expression for the body of this method would be the following:

try { Using.resource(resource)(f) } catch { case NonFatal(e) => Failure(e) }  

You could, of course, add the flatten method call yourself, but that's not the most elegant. So, I think it would be nice to have this signature added to the Using object in the Scala library.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Continued Fractions

I was inspired recently by a wonderful Mathologer video to implement continued fractions in Scala. I chose Scala for two reasons: first (as you would know if you've been here before) is that it's my favorite language and, second, it requires lazy programming.  What are continued fractions? And why are they so interesting?

They've been around, essentially, since Euclid, although they hit their heyday in the 17th century with the likes of Leibniz, Wallis, and Euler (who came a little later), and many other less well known mathematicians. The particular subject of the video (all his videos are great, BTW) is the solution to the "Strand puzzle." This was a puzzle set in the Strand magazine (the one that published the Sherlock Holmes stories) by one of the great puzzle setters of all time: Henry Dudeney.

A man lives at house number n on a long street of N houses (all on the same side), numbered from 1 thru N. He notices that if he sums all the house numbers on one side of his (L) and all of the house numbers on the other side (R), then L = R. What is his house number?

Supposedly, the brilliant mathematician Ramanujan immediately recognized that the solutions were related to the convergents of a particular continued fraction that gives solutions to the equation Y^2 -- 2 X^2 = 1 -- one of the so-called Pell equations, after John Pell (1611-1685). I will let you watch the video to get the full story.

So, the general Pell equation Y^2 -- x X^2 = 1 relates to the following continued fraction:

When we set x = 2 (for the Strand magazine problem), we get successive approximations to the square root of two.

Here's another rather elegant definition of phi, the golden ratio:

So, how do we code this in Scala? The most important class is called ConFrac and is defined thus:

class ConFrac(val b: Long, co: => Option[CF]) {

  lazy val tailOption: Option[CF] = co


You might notice that this is not a case class. That's because we need the second parameter to be lazily evaluated, i.e. "call by name". Since it's not a case class, we need to ensure that we can reference the first parameter, b, in other places, using the val keyword. This doesn't work, of course, for the second parameter because of course that is, in reality, a function that generates an Option[CF]. Hence the lazy val (or def) defined as tailOption. Obviously, we need to define CF too:

case class CF(a: Long, c: ConFrac)

This is a case class, and defines the numerator a and identifies the next ConFrac in the series as c.

How do we get the value of our continued fraction? Well, it's an infinite series so we can't evaluate the whole thing. But, we can look at the convergents which asymptotically approach the true value. Here's the method for getting the convergents:

  def convergents: LazyList[Rational] = {
    def inner(an_2: BigInt, an_1: BigInt, bn_2: BigInt, bn_1: BigInt, w: => LazyList[Pair]): LazyList[Rational] = w match {
      case LazyList() => LazyList()
      case p #:: tail =>
        val an = p.b * an_1 + p.a * an_2
        val bn = p.b * bn_1 + p.a * bn_2
        Rational(an, bn) #:: inner(an_1, an, bn_1, bn, tail)

    val h #:: z = coefficients
    Rational(h.b) #:: inner(1, h.b, 0, 1, z)

Note that the inner method is not tail-recursive. I don't think there's a way to make it tail-recursive. This method returns a LazyList[Rational], and we can evaluate it as far as we want. Scala fans will note that I used a pattern in the definition val h #:: z = coefficients. This is so much more elegant than any other way of getting the information I needed. Of course, I have to be sure that coefficients is not empty. It makes use of another method coefficients:

  def coefficients: LazyList[Pair] = {
    def inner(_b: Long, a: Long, co: Option[CF]): LazyList[Pair] =
      Pair(_b, a) #:: {
        co match {
          case None => LazyList()
          case Some(cf) => inner(cf.c.b, cf.a, cf.c.tailOption)

    inner(b, 0, tailOption)

This uses another case class Pair which is is simply two Longs: b and a. The result of coefficients is a LazyList of Pairs.  The form of continued fraction described here looks as follows where the nth element of the result is (bn, an) and a0 is always zero:

So, we can get values from a ConFrac. But how do we construct them in the first place? Obviously, declaring new ConFrac(1, new ConFrac(...)) wouldn't be so convenient! Instead, there are methods in the ConFrac companion object as follows:

  def apply(ps: LazyList[Pair]): ConFrac = ps match {
    case p #:: LazyList() => new ConFrac(p.b, None)
    case p #:: tail => new ConFrac(p.b, Some(CF(p.a, ConFrac(tail))))

  def simple(xs: LazyList[Long]): ConFrac = ConFrac(, LazyList.continually(1L))) is a method in Pair's companion object which zips the two lazy lists together and then maps each resulting tuple to a Pair. The purpose of simple is to make it easier to define a so-called simple continuous fraction (where all of the a terms are unity).

Here are some of the definitions of simple LazyLists:

  • phi (the golden ratio): LazyList.continually(1L)
  • e (Euler's number): 2L #:: LazyList.iterate(Seq(1L, 2, 1)) { case Seq(x, y, z) => Seq(x, y + 2, z) }.flatten

And here is one of the definitions of lazy lists for generalized continued fractions:

  • pi (one of several): +: LazyList.from(0).map(2L * _ + 1), 4L +: LazyList.from(1).map(x => 1L * x * x))
It's been fun working on this project. There is one method that is currently not well implemented. It is the toDouble method. The signature is: def toDouble(epsilon: Double): Option[Double] and it is required to provide an approximation that is correct to within epsilon. Such a method is required if mathematics with known precision is being performed. If you have a required precision of, say, pi to 1E-20, then you need to be able to ensure that the result is true to that precision.

One thing that has tripped me up a few times working with LazyLists is that there are many methods which LazyList inherits through Seq which are not "call by name." An example of this is +: which prepends an element to a LazyList. But, unfortunately, it doesn't do it lazily ;)

I think it will work out to be a good assignment for my Scala class!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

A functional comparer

One of the aspects of Scala and Java that I've always felt could be improved is the mechanism for comparing things. The basic scheme, inherited from Java, is that two objects, x and y, can be compared and if the result is less than zero, then x is smaller than y, if it's greater than zero, then x is larger than y, otherwise they are equal. This is the kind of code which we need to write for some user-defined class:
case class Date(year: Int, month: Int, day: Int) extends Ordered[Date] {
  def compareTo(that: Date): Int = {
    val cfy = year.compareTo(that.year)
    if (cfy!=0) cfy
    else {
      val cfm = month.compareTo(that.month)
      if (cfm!=0) cfm
      else day.compareTo(
Part of the problem arises from the use of an Int (int in Java) that tries to represent three-valued logic with four billion different values. Java has no easy construct to switch according to ranges of values. Maybe in Java 12, the new switch statement will accommodate this requirement?

In Scala, at least, we could use pattern matching so that the code (above) to discriminate the results could be rewritten:
case class Date(year: Int, month: Int, day: Int) extends Ordered[Date] {
  def compare(that: Date): Int = year.compareTo(that.year) match {
    case 0 => month.compareTo(that.month) match {
      case 0 => day.compareTo(
      case x => x
    case x => x
But it's not really a lot better. Given that Scala is a functional language, I think we can improve things significantly. How about something like the following?
object Date {
  implicit val dateComparer: Comparer[Date] = {
    val cf = implicitly[Comparer[Int]]
    cf.snap(_.year) orElse cf.snap(_.month) orElse cf.snap(

This time, we get an implicit Comparer[Int] (see below) and we compose the three necessary comparisons together.

Comparer[T] is a trait which defines an apply function of type T => T => Comparison. There are various methods for composing comparers, and there are methods which make it easy to compare things using the more usual tupled parameters (rather than the curried apply function). Comparison is a trait which can be evaluated as a Kleenean (three-valued logic type) and ultimately as an Option[Boolean].

We are able to perform the Date comparison (above) because the result of invoking each of the snap methods is one object: a Comparer[Date].  The orElse method composes comparers together such that, if there is a distinction yielded by the left-hand operand, then that is the result, otherwise we look to the right-hand operand, and so on.

We find an implicit value of a type class for the integer comparer, and we make this a variable called cf. The snap method takes a "lens" function as its parameter and transforms the Comparer[Int] into a Comparer[Date]

Actually, we can come up with something rather more elegant than this:
object Date {
  implicit val dateComparer: Comparer[Date] = Comparer.same[Date] :| (_.year) :| (_.month) :| (
The Comparer.same method simply provides a Comparer of the given type which always evaluates to Same. The :| method composes (using orElse) two Comparers where the one on the right is constructed from an implicitly discovered Comparer of the type yielded by the lens function and which is then snapped by the given lens. Here, the lens functions are defined as lambdas (function literals).

There's also a :|! method which works the same except that it invokes the orElseNot method which flips the sense of the Comparer formed from the lens function.

Actually, since in this case the lens functions are all of type Date=>Int and all of the same sense, we can do even better:
object Date {
  implicit val dateComparer: Comparer[Date] = Comparer(_.year, _.month,
Now, isn't that a lot more elegant? The apply method takes a variable list of lens functions but, in this form, they must all be of the same type.

Now, we've got the compiler doing some serious work for us. For each of the lens functions, the compiler will find an implicit Comparer and apply the lens function to it (via snap).

A typical usage of this in a specification might be:
val today = Date(2019, 6, 5)
val tomorrow = Date(2019, 6, 6)
Compare(today, today) shouldBe Same
Compare(today, tomorrow) shouldBe Less
Compare(tomorrow, today) shouldBe More
Well, of course, that's not quite it. We can do even better:
object MyComparers extends Comparers {
  val comparer: Comparer[Date] = comparer3(Date)
import MyComparers._
Compare(tomorrow, today) shouldBe More
This time, we didn't have to spell out how to compare the various elements of the Date case class. The compiler figured it out for us using the magic of type inference. Notice that we simply pass in the Date.apply method to the comparer3 method. But, inside comparer3, that method is never actually invoked. The work is all done by the compiler.

Now, we've really got the compiler doing some serious work for us!

As well as comparing case class instances made up of simple types such as String, Int, etc. we can also create case classes based on collections, wrappers, user-defined types, tuples, whatever. Just as long as there is an implicit Comparer[T] of the appropriate underlying type defined in scope.

So, for example, suppose that we have the following bizarre case class:
case class Bizarre(x1: Seq[Int], x2: (Double,Double), x3: Try[Boolean], x4: Option[Int], x5: Unit)
object MyComparers extends Comparers {
  implicit val comparer: Comparer[Bizarre] = comparer5(Bizarre)
import MyComparers._
val x1 = Bizarre(Seq(1, 2), (1.0, 0.0), Success(true), Some(4), ())
val x2 = Bizarre(Seq(1, 2), (1.0, 0.0), Success(true), Some(5), ())
Compare(x1,x2) shouldBe Less
We need do no more than declare the comparer implicitly.

Couldn't we have achieved all of this simply by comparing tuples using Ordering? To some extent, yes--if you just want to compare two tuples of the same arity and are happy with the -1, 0, +1 result. However, it's a little awkward and it doesn't happen implicitly for a case class. You must first invoke unapply in order to yield an Option[TupleN...]. And that will only work up to Tuple8. The comparers defined in the Compare package work with up to 11 parameters. And, even then, it would require a lot of code if the case class wasn't defined in decreasing order of significance.

The main purpose of the Comparer package is the elegance and the ease of composition of comparers and the provision of out-of-the-box comparisons for just about every situation. You can find this open-source package on github: