Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Working with mutable state

The second of the questions I asked my students (see my earlier article) is essentially this:

In functional programming, how do we work with mutable state? This is a complex question in general as we may want to deal with I/O (i.e. external mutable state) or we may want to wrap the whole problem inside an actor and make it "go away." So, let's confine ourselves to dealing with internal mutable state in a referentially transparent way. We have an object whose internal state is changing in an unpredictable manner and we have another object which operates on that other mutable object. The first question that arises is how to test our object?
Let me propose a concrete example. An evolutionary computation framework uses a random number generator (RNG) to provide the entropy needed to get coverage of a solution space. If you simply create a scala.util.Random and take numbers from it, you will, sooner or later, run into the problem that your unit tests will fail. Not because the logic is incorrect but because, even if the order of running test cases is fixed (it usually is not so guaranteed), you will introduce new logic that pulls one more, or one fewer, numbers from the RNG and your expected results will be incorrect. Here's the kind of thing I have in mind (greatly simplified):

val random = new scala.util.Random(0L)
val someInt: Int = ???
val x1 = random.nextInt(100)
val x2 = random.nextInt(100)
// ...
val y = random.nextInt(100)
There's a simple solution for this. Just like a snail, that constructs and carries its home around with it, we can transform the code as follows:
class RNG[+A](f: Long=>A)(seed: Long) {
  private val random = new scala.util.Random(seed)
  private lazy val state = random.nextLong
  def next = new RNG(f)(state)
  def value = f(state)
val r = new RNG[Int](x => (x.toInt + 100) % 100)(0L)
val someInt: Int = ???
val r1 =
val r2 =
// ...
val rN =
val y = rN.value

There are many variations on this general theme, of course. But the important point is that we carry around our current RNG from one step to the next, rather than simply taking its value.

Here's another example which helps us strip arguments (from a variable number of args) with the appropriate types. The get method returns a Try of a tuple of a T and the remaining Args:

  case class Args(args: List[Any]) extends (() => Try[(Any,Args)]) {
    def apply(): Try[(Any, Args)] = args match {
      case Nil => Failure(new Exception("Args is empty: this typically means you didn't provide sufficient arguments"))
      case h :: t => Success(h, Args(t))
    def get[T](clazz: Class[T]): Try[(T, Args)] = {
      apply match {
        case Success((r,a)) =>
          if (clazz.isInstance(r) || clazz.isAssignableFrom(r.getClass))
            Success(r.asInstanceOf[T], a)
          else throw new Exception(s"args head is not of type: $clazz but is of type ${r.getClass}")
        case f @ Failure(t) => f.asInstanceOf[Try[(T, Args)]]
    def isEmpty: Boolean = args.isEmpty

And here is how you would extract the arguments (in a FlatSpec with Matchers):

  def mainMethod(args: List[Any]): Unit = {
    val a1 = Args(args)
    val (x: String, a2) = a1.get(classOf[String]).get
    val (y, a3) = a2.get(classOf[java.lang.Boolean]).get
    a3.isEmpty shouldBe true    x shouldBe "hello"    y shouldBe true  }
  mainMethod(List("hello", true))

Note how we should end up with an empty list after stripping off all the arguments. And note also that if we want to add a type annotation (for example for x, as shown above) then we can do that and be quite sure that the get method is working properly. In this example, we didn't try to avoid the exceptions that may be thrown by the get methods on Try objects. We could of course do a nicer job with nested match statements.

On a completely different subject, I asked and answered my own question on StackOverflow today, regarding an issue with serializing/deserializing case class instances via Json.